Life Insurance
Life Assurance provides a benefit upon maturity of the policy or in the event of the untimely demise of a loved one. The benefits can help to pay off an existing mortgage on the house, help to complete the children’s education without interruption, etc.
Therefore planning for the future and protecting against uncertainty is why insurance exists.
There are basically four types of life assurance policies available:
Term Assurance
Whole Life Assurance
Endowment Assurance
Investment Link Assurance
Anika has also specially designed a worksite marketing plan specially for you. The insurance is a caring life insurance policy that empowers you with flexible choices and comprehensive protection at very affordable price.
Our Plans
4 flexible & comprehensive plan for you to choose from (RM20,000 to RM125,000)
Covers Death, Total Permanent Disability & 36 Critical Illnesses
Flat premium irrespective of age
Spouse & Children can enroll on the same plan
Hassle free application - simplified application form and no medical examination for applicants aged 50 and below (for standard case)
Premium as low as RM30 per month with 24 hours worldwide coverage
Guaranteed continuity coverage after leaving the organization
Cash value upon maturity at age 55/65
Income Tax relief